Department of Health has strategized key priorities that underpin the goal of improving the well-being of Abu Dhabi residents through prevention and access to integrated, innovative, high-quality and cost-effective healthcare. Genomic medicine is a ground-breaking genomics initiative that involves using genomic information about an individual to understand genetics bases, provide accurate diagnosis and treatment and implement precision medicine. A healthier Abu Dhabi community will not be achieved expediently unless innovation and research are at the core of its daily business.
Priority Disease
Cancer and Rare Disease
Cardiovascular Disease (Obesity, Diabetes, Hypertension, Smoking …etc)
Chronic Respiratory Disease
Emerging Infectious Disease & Antimicrobial Resistance
Injuries and Occupational Health
Mental Health Behavioral, and Neurodegenerative Disorders
Woman and Child Health (Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child Health, and Developmental Diseases)
Areas of Research
Big Data
Internet of Medical Things (IOMT)
Precision Medicine
Assistive Technology
Drug Discovery
Discovery Science
Advanced Therapies (cell therapies, implantable devices, robotics, etc)
Public Health/Prevention
Genetic and Epigenetics
Medical Research and Development
This applies to all entities who are interested in conducting a human subject research in Abu Dhabi such as:
- Academic institutes
- Government/Private institutes
- Healthcare facilities
Application submission
Review process
Final decision release
Facility name will appear on the list of facilities approved to carry out human subject research
View Facilities ListRequirements
- Application for Authorization to Conduct Human Subjects Research
Research Ethics Committee (REC)/Institutional Review Board (IRB) members list
- Including CVs and DOH health license if applicable - Research Ethics Training Course For all ethics committee members
DOH Undertaking letter
- Signed by all REC members
Relevant Forms
To send the forms or any inquiries, email us at
Maximum attachment size is 8 MB
This applies to all Clinical Research Organizations and Site Management Organizations who are interested in operating the in Abu Dhabi.
Application Submission
Review process
Final decision release
Facility name will appear on the list of facilities approved to operate in Abu Dhabi
CROs approved list
1. CRO/SMO Application Form V1
DOH Contract Research Organization
To send the forms or any inquiries, email us at
Organizations and researchers who are interested in conducting human subject research in the below streams, have to apply directly to DOH Medical Research and Development Division (DOH REC/IRB).
It is possible to apply for a research evaluation that falls within the following list of the Abu Dhabi Health Research and Technology Committee (ADHRTC) in the Department of Health.
Critical proposals listed in the criteria for human subjects research must be reviewed by the Abu Dhabi Health Research and Technology Committee (ADHRTC) are:
- Multicenter studies.
- Clinical trials: Phase I, II, III, and IV.
- Any Industry (Pharmaceutical/MedTech/Human AI) studies.
- Any research that carries significant risks to humans (patients).
- Any research with genetic/genomics data/sample.
- Any data or sample that will be processed outside the UAE for research purposes.
Research proposals for the above streams will be evaluated by DOH ADHRTC (Abu Dhabi Research and Technology Committee)
Review process
Final Decision Release
Browse the Research Registry for the researches evaluated by Abu Dhabi Health Research and Technology Committee
Research RegistryRequirements
New submission
- Research Application form V.3 - (Information Security Exemption form, if applicable)
- Research proposal/protocol
- CVs and GCPs certificates of the research team Click here for guidance
- Data collection sheet, if applicable
- Informed consent form, if applicable
- Survey/Questionnaire, if applicable
Renewal request
- Initial/Original approval letter
- Latest renewal letter
- Study progress report
- Exemption form & Initial research form
- Amendment letter if the PI have been changed.
- DSMB/DMC letter, if applicable
Amendment request
- Amendment form (reference # to the original study approval “initial and all associated approval letters”)
- Amendment supporting documents, if applicable
(*Additional documents to the study is considered as an amendment and not notification.)
Pre-publication request
- Initial Approval
- Pre-Publication form
- Pre-publication/Manuscript
General Notification
- Study approval letter
- Notification brief
*Principal Investigator and study must be affiliated in one of the authorized facilities to conduct human subject research.
*DOH related published regulatory tools: Standard on Human Subject Research. (2019). Department of Health, Guidelines for Conducting Clinical Trials with Investigational Product
For inquiries email us at :
Relevant forms
Maintaining integrity in research is crucial to advancing knowledge and ensuring public trust. This section will be dedicated to addressing research misconduct, violations, and incident reporting. Our goal is to foster a culture of accountability and transparency while safeguarding the rights of researchers, participants, and stakeholders in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. Your voice matters and will be heard. If you want to report/raise a complaint on research integrity and research misconduct, you can fill in the Research Compliance Incident Form and sending it to
Reporting form submission
Review process
Execution of necessary actions
Research Compliance Incident Reporting Form
Relevant forms
Research Compliance Incident Reporting Form
To send the forms or any inquiries, email us at
Innovation Services
Health technology assessment (HTA) refers to the systematic evaluation of properties, effects, and/or impacts of health technology.
Submit HTA application (please find Forms and Documents below)
Once received, an evaluation process will take place based on safety, efficiency and effectiveness
An Official letter will be sent to applicants (Approved or Disapproved)
Codes/pricing, product/therapy registration and publication
Download Available Forms and Documents
Fill the forms and email us at
Maximum file size is 8 MB
For disapproval decisions: HTA applicants appealing submission to
(Within 30 days of receiving disapproval decision) to start the same journey.
Shape the future of healthcare through innovation. HealthTech Hub offers a comprehensive support network for the testing, implementation and commercialization of health technologies.
Initial interview & meeting of startups
Startup submission of business plan and requirements for ecosystem support
Agreement of joint project plan and timeline
Startups application of ADGM Tech License
DoH support in regulation, Proof of Concept Design, Coaching, Access to Investor Networks, Access to Partners and Health Technology Assessment
Graduation from DoH HealthTech program (maximum 24 months)
For any inquiries, email us at:
Drug and Medical Products
Through this service, as drug agents and healthcare providers (hospitals), you can apply to code drugs, including conventional and general sale products. These codes are essential for drug product reimbursement by insurance and applicants can apply to amend coded drug details.
Receive DoH’s approval, rejection or request for additional details
Obtain the drug code.
Required Documents:
- MOH Drug/Product Registration Certificate; From the Ministry of Health and Prevention for registered drugs (drug agents)
- MOH Price Certificate; From the Ministry of Health and Prevention for registered drugs (drug agents)
- Price Quotation; For non-registered drugs (hospitals)
- Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) Certificate; For non-registered drugs (hospitals)
- Artwork/Product Image
- Product Image
- Product Leaflet
For any inquiries, email :
Through this service, you can apply for laboratory analysis of any medical product, such as pharmaceuticals, dietary supplements, herbal or cosmetic products to ensure the absence of any dangerous substances and that it is safe for use.
The applicant must hand in the sample in person.
Submit the sample of the product At the Department of Health counter
Obtain the results from DoH through SMS or a phone call, if needed
Call 800555 (Abu Dhabi Government Portal)
Through this service, healthcare facilities in Abu Dhabi may apply to assign or replace a person that is responsible for narcotics and controlled drugs
Once received, an evaluation process will take place
Receive the approved electronic application form
Required Documents:
- Application Form; Complete and sign the “Approving a person to be responsible for narcotics and controlled drugs” form
- Official Letter From the Medical Director to authorize the current person in-charge
- Signed handover Report on Controlled and Narcotic Drugs; in case of changing responsible person
For any inquiries, email :
Through this service, Facility’s Narcotic in-charge should submit the consumption report for controlled drugs on a monthly basis and quarterly for narcotic drugs.
Process and required documents:
For any inquiries, email :
Through this service, Facility’s Narcotic in charge should report to DoH any lost/broken ampoules; or any narcotic or controlled drugs incidences.
Enclose and submit the required documents as required.
Through this service you can access the unified electronic platform approved at the country level for prescribing and dispensing of narcotic, controlled and semi controlled medicines.
The federal law obligates all healthcare facilities and providers to use the system for prescribing and dispensing narcotic, controlled and semi-controlled medicines. Also, all licensed healthcare facilities and pharmacies must provide Emirates ID card reader to all their physicians and pharmacists who are dealing with narcotic and controlled medicines.
Register the health facility on the Electronic Platform for Controlled Medicines, or log-in the platform if the facility is registered, as mentioned in the links below.
For more information or technical support, please contact: Tel. 600566635 Email:
Download Relevant Circular
Through this service, concerned stakeholders including hospitals, pharmacies and drug suppliers are required to report all anticipated and /or actual drug shortages to DOH immediately in order to avert and mitigate the problem.
Receive the approved electronic application form
DoH will work closely with the drug suppliers, manufacturers & health care facilities to identify root causes of the reported shortages and fill any gaps in the supply chain to ensure ease of access and availability of necessary medicines to all residents of Abu Dhabi.
Through this service, healthcare professionals can report any suspected Adverse Reaction (AR), Medication Error (ME) and Adverse Event Following Immunization (AEFI) experienced from any of the drug product within the stipulated timeframe as defined in DoH policies, even if reporters are not certain that the particular medicinal product was the cause. Unintended adverse effects, drug abuse, overdose, interaction (including drug-drug and drug-food interactions) and unusual lack of therapeutic efficacy are all considered to be reportable suspected Adverse Reactions (AR).
Log in using your professional or facility account information
Fill out all the required information
Click ‘’Submit “
Reference documents:
For any enquiries send an email to:
Through this service Healthcare facilities are required to submit their antidote stock report on monthly basis . The service allows the hospital user to report the stock of antidote by the 5th of each month.
Log in using your professional or facility account information.
Select notification then Antidote Monthly Stock Report.
The Antidote Monthly Stock Report Form will be displayed to be filled by user.
For enquiries e-mail to