DoH has also developed a series of policies to mandate specific services, practices and protocols within Abu Dhabi’s healthcare sector. Click on a title below to view the policy document in full
Policy of Establishing Managed Entry Agreements Risk Sharing Agreements in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi
view pdfPolicy On Issuing Waivers Of Healthcare Professionals Licensure Requirements During Emergencies, Crises And Disasters.
view pdfDOH Policy on THIQA Coverage for Assisted Reproductive Treatment and Services
view pdfDOH THIQA Coverage Policy
DOH THIQA Coverage Policy on Laser Refractive and Cataract IOL Surgery
view pdfBurns Protocol
Triage Protocol for Burns Emergencies and their Referrals in Pre-Hospital and Emergency Department (ED) Setting: EMS and Self-Presenting Emergency Departments’ Arrivals
view pdfDOH Oral Health Policy for the Emirate of Abu Dhabi
Oral diseases and conditions have a major impact on individuals and communities, health systems, economies and the society.
view pdfDoH policy for Healthcare Emergency & Disaster Management
DOH Policy on Healthcare Emergency & Disaster Management for the Emirate of Abu Dhabi
view pdfPolicy on Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Policy on Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the Healthcare Sector of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi
view pdfDoH policy for quality and patient safety
All Health Facilities, Providers, Professionals and Insures in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi
view pdfDOH Policy on Integrated Continuum of Pre-hospital and Emergency Department Care for Time-Critical Conditions
Triage Protocol for Paediatrics Emergencies and their referrals in Pre-Hospital and Emergency Department (ED) Setting: EMS and Self-Presenting Paediatrics Cases
view pdfDOH Policy on Integrated Continuum of Pre-hospital and Emergency Department Care for Time-Critical Conditions
DOH Policy on Integrated Continuum of Pre-hospital and Emergency Department Care for Time-Critical Conditions
view pdfSTEMI Protocol
Triage Protocol for STEMI and their Referrals in Pre-Hospital and Emergency Department (ED) Setting: EMS and Self-Presenting Emergency Departments’ Arrivals
view pdfPolicy on Occupational and Environmental Health and Safety Management in Healthcare Facilities
view pdfPolicy for the Health Care Facilities Providing Maternity Services (Labor and delivery)
view pdfStroke Protocol
Triage Protocol for Hyperacute Stroke Emergencies and their Referrals in Pre-Hospital and Emergency Department (ED) Setting: EMS and SelfPresenting Emergency Departments’ Arrivals
view pdfAbu Dhabi Health Research Council
This policy establishes the Abu Dhabi Health Research Council and sets out its objectives, functions and governance arrangements.
view pdfManuals
Department of Health – Abu Dhabi (DoH) has developed a series of manuals detailing the roles and responsibilities of different parties operating within the healthcare sector in Abu Dhabi. The manuals cover the following parties: Regulator (DoH), Providers (Public and Private), Professionals and Payers (Insurance companies). All healthcare Providers, Professionals and Payers are expected to read, understand, implement and be in full compliance with the requirements mandated by the four DoH Manuals. Click on a title below to view the manual in full: