public test environment
Public Test Environment
Public Test version: 01-Mar-2015
Production version: 01-Dec-2015
Shafafiya Web Services V3
Shafafiya Webservices V3 is the new version of web services with released as part of March 2019 release.
All Shafafiya users can access the new Shafafiya webservices V3 using the following links:
XSD: PTE XSDs files
Webservices Technical Definition: Shafafiya Webservices V3
The shafafiya Public Test Environment (PTE) is a test instance of the shafafiya webservices from DOH. This environment allows shafafiya users to test their software against a working and future versions of shafafiya webservices for the purposes of development and validation.
The PTE is part of the Release Management process for shafafiya which is explained in Release Management Process Page and it is governed by the Release Schedule document
This document includes a dynamic roadmap of changes that will be implemented and available in the PTE with the planned dates. It will be constantly updated to reflect all upcoming changes to as per decisions of relevant governance bodies, such as Data Standards Panel, DRG Panel, etc.
As per the schedule, at any point of time the PTE might contain the current production version of shafafiya or the next version to be released. The identification of the versions running in the PTE and production will be indicated at the top of this page.
- No data related to real production transactions should be exchanged through the PTE
- The Master data used for validation is a copy of the latest in the Production environment, unless the upcoming release changes the master data as well
- The user data uploaded in the PTE will be deleted every week regardless the status
- The PTE is designed for functional testing, but not performance testing or stress testing of Provider/Payer systems
- The XML files submitted to the PTE must use the following values for the HeaderDispositionFlag:
- 'PTE_SUBMIT' - upon successful validation the transaction file is saved in the Post Office and made available for download by the receiver
- ‘PTE_VALIDATE_ONLY’ - the validation engine checks the data in the submission against all validation rules in the PTE version and provides an error report to the user; the transaction file is immediately discarded without being sent to the receiver
- Questions about the test environment should be directed to
- In no case the files exchanged through the PTE can be considered as valid transactions and do not generate any legal or financial commitment. The data uploaded is purely for software testing purposes.
- DOH does not keep any record of the transactions exchanged once deleted from the PTE
Interaction with partners
All current shafafiya users can access the PTE webservices using the following parameters:
- Username = current_shafafiya_username + test suffix (For example, if user in shafafiya is: “bbclinic”, in PTE it will be “bbclinictest”)
- Password = [current shafafiya password]
As with the production environment, shafafiya webservices cannot be used directly but require a software to connect with this services, such as a Hospital Information System, or an insurance claims processing software, pharmacy systems, etc. This software is the responsibility of the users. HAAD is not responsible for the provision or proper functioning of any software outside the webservices: it is up to the user to make sure their software connects properly and sends information according to the standards.
There are free software tools available in the market that enable basic usage for uploading and downloading files.